terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011


Shin Akuma (Shin Gouki in Japan) is a secret character and boss in the Street Fighter series based on Akuma. The two versions operate very similarly, but Shin Akuma is faster, deals more damage and can throw two Zankū Hadoken at once. Also, his Shun Goku Satsu is much faster and travels farther (making it harder to evade), and in some instances, inflicts more damage (e.g. Capcom vs. SNK 2). In some instances, Shin Akuma also has more life-threatening specials as well (e.g. Misogi). Shin Akuma's appearance is very similar to Akuma's except he exhibits white hair and a slightly darker shade of skin. In the Street Fighter Alpha series, Shin Akuma had a purple-blue gi instead of a black one, but retains the red hair. In Capcom vs. SNK 2 his kanji means "kami" which is God or Beyond Human.

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