A massive slave-soldier of Zepp, a floating continent controlled by a military dictatorship, Potemkin was forced into the first tournament by his superiors. However, during the tournament, the government of Zepp was overthrown in a revolt led by Gabriel, his mentor. Once Gabriel was made president of Zepp, Potemkin pledged his loyalty to the new government as a special agent. The mantle he wears was a slave collar used by his superiors to keep him in check. He decided to keep it as a memento of his past. Potemkin likes to draw, but is so strong, he can put four tons of pressure on a pencil with only his fingers. In his free time, he works at a bakery, known by his customers not as a killer, but instead, a gentle baker.
GameSpy in their review of Guilty Gear X stated Potemkin filled the "hulking brute" role in the title, adding that they found his personality unique and entertaining, and emphasized his uniqueness amongst the game's cast.[7] This sentiment was repeated in their review of Guilty Gear X2, noting him as one of "the coolest character designs ever seen in a game", and adding him to be "the heaviest heavy ever conceived".[8] Gaming website Boomtown stated simply "Potemkin makes Zangief from Street Fighter look like a sissy."[9] Some criticism, however, for his voice has been made, with a Netjak reviewer stating "I think he should sound Barry White deep, not like a TI 99-4A running a voice module at quarter speed."
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