Zappa is an unlucky young man, looking for a wife and writing in his diary about his new "disease" he has, which, from his point of view, consists of fainting and then waking up somewhere else, possibly with alarming wounds and fractures and no memory of how he got there. Like Axl in the previous game, he seeks the "Dark Doctor" Faust to cure his paranormal ailment. When entering a battle, he is unconscious, with S-Ko and the other ghosts having control of his actions. These ghosts consist of three giant centipedes, several will-o-wisp-like apparitions that manipulate a broken sword, three gray ghosts, a dark chihuahua-like dog, and a manifestation of lightning called Raou. With the exception of S-Ko (who seems to inflict the most pain to Zappa), Raou and the other apparitions seem to try their best to comfort him when he's depressed or in pain, indicating a degree of loyalty to their host. S-Ko's relationship with him still remains a mystery; however, her relationship with Raou and the other ghost imply they are all scared of her.
In his search for Faust, Zappa encounters several people, most of which he ends up fighting involuntarily, and later finding them unconscious. In one ending, he meets up with Ky Kiske, who arrests him for assaulting an officer (the officer being Ky himself). In his other two endings, he actually finds Faust and fights him (once again involuntarily). In one ending he defeats Faust, and then, after regaining consciousness, sees Faust injured and unconscious. At this point, it is suggested that S-Ko assumes more control over Zappa. In another ending, Zappa loses the fight with Faust, and Faust gives his diagnosis: this disease cannot be cured! He then suggests that Zappa isolates himself until a cure is found.
Zappa gains more insight to his illness in Accent Core Plus. Picking up on the route where he's been jailed (making path C from XX canon), Zappa is mistakenly freed when Faust opens up a door into his cell and disrupts S-Ko. After the usual random encounters, the path splits whether or not the player chooses to return a broken Robo-Ky. Choosing to ignore him, Zappa wanders about until he encounters Slayer, whom tries to directly address S-Ko. Slayer says he is returning to where 'people of darkness' belong, and offers to take S-Ko with him. S-Ko refuses to leave without Zappa. This ending makes Zappa the only human in an alternate world with only monsters. If the player chooses to return Robo-Ky, this path Zappa encounters Faust once again, who knocks him out with aid from Johnny. Upon waking, Faust announces that S-Ko has been exorcised. Zappa laters admits to having known someone was with him all along and feels lonely. He asks that the girl return to him only to have a window in his house shatter open, S-Ko crawling through it in physical form. In one of Faust's endings, Faust claims to have cured Zappa by correcting the thing that attracted S-Ko, his face. The ending shows him with a very abstractly drawn face.
He is named after guitar legend Frank Zappa.
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