The details of Dizzy's birth are not known; all that is known for certain is that she was found as an infant roughly three years before the events in Guilty Gear X, by an old couple with no children of their own to depend on. The other villagers became afraid, however, since Dizzy appeared to age from being an infant to apparently being in her late teens in three years. This was compounded when she discovered, one day, that she now had wings and a tail. Dizzy was now identified as a Gear—essentially, a living weapon of mass destruction, and a hundred-year war against Gears had just ended five years ago. Dizzy's foster parents hid her in a grove in the woods, but she was soon discovered and subjected to abuse at the hands of her captors. She quickly escaped, however, and the government issued a 500,000 World-Dollar bounty for her death.
From there, Dizzy came under the protection of Testament, a Gear who had served under the Command Gear Justice. Testament fought off most of the bounty hunters, and if any managed to overcome him, they were quickly beaten back by the immense power of Dizzy herself. She was eventually defeated by the bounty hunter known as Sol Badguy. However, he spared her life, and the bounty fell to Jam Kuradoberi, who used it to create her restaurant. Dizzy was then discovered by Johnny and May, who "rescued" her and invited her into their crew.
A few weeks later, Dizzy was on the deck of the May Ship when she was suddenly knocked off by I-No. She fell 20,000 feet, and the impact caused her to become possessed by Necro. Under no fault of her own, she then laid waste to several other characters until she was "cured" by Faust.
Dizzy's mother, it turns out, is Justice, which is revealed in the drama CD Guilty Gear XX: Side Red And Black,[1] as well as comments on the CD by Dizzy's actress, Kazue Fujita. Dizzy can perform a variation on Justice's Gamma Ray overdrive, as well as the Michael Sword attack (in her "EX" Mode in GGXX).
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