The young, dedicated, and pious chief of the International Police Force, Ky Kiske was made head of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights at age 16 and under his leadership, they were able to bring an end to the century long Crusades against the Gears. He is dedicated to God and works to maintain peace after the holy war. Although he morally sees only in black and white and not in shades of grey, and is easily manipulated by unseen workers from the holy war, he is working to adjust. His dedication to law and order puts him at odds with the free-spirited Sol Badguy, his rival. He fights with the Thunderseal sword and with his lightning magic.
After Ky hears rumors of bloodshed, huge prizes, and the possible resurrection of Justice, Ky Kiske enters a tournament that will select members for a second Sacred Order of Holy Knights. After hearing Justice's last words at the conclusion of the tournament, Ky hears new rumors, these ones of a new Commander Gear that doesn't wish to harm humans. He sets out to find the truth in Justice's final words and the flaws of his own concept of justice. After rescuing a beaten Commander Gear Dizzy and entrusting her to Johnny's care, Ky returns to his normal duties as a captain of the IPF. As soon as he's returned to work, Ky Kiske is thrust into a new conspiracy which includes robot clones of himself, a secret organization, a woman in red called I-No, and Sol.
In Guilty Gear 2: Overture, he has become king of the country Illyuria through an overwhelming support at an election. He then finds out that the Gears have begun mysteriously vanishing, and his kingdom is under attack by a mysterious force, he turns to Sol for help by sending out a "Wanted" sign with his face on it, demanding him brought to Illyuria. Sol and Ky maintain a friendly relationship in Overture, and, like Sol, he also sports a new sword, called Aquila.
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