domingo, 10 de julho de 2011

Angel (TEKKEN)

Angel first appeared in without any storyline explanation, save for that she lies with Devil over Kazuya's soul. Angel represents the good version of Kazuya's Devil Gene. Fans seem to speculate her origin as being due to Jun Kazama's influence during their meet in the second tournament. It's unknown what happened to Angel since she was not seen after Tekken 2.
Angel comes to Kazuya Mishima through his relationship with Jun Kazama. She is the only thing stopping Devil from completly controlling Kazuya.
Angel sits on top of a building. She suddenly looks at the camera and jumps off the building. Then she thinks about all the characters and suddenly comes across Devil. He is surrounded by winged skeletons. He is attacked by the skeletons. Angel flies to the moon after.
Angel finds Devil lying unconscious on the ground. Devil transforms back to Kazuya and recovers from the alleged fight as Angel touches Devil's forehead and suddenly disappears.

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